Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Patching WifiZoo to support kismet dumps/pcap capture files

A user emailed me asking for a way to use kismet dumps/pcap capture files with WifiZoo, this is going to be included in the next version of WifiZoo, but you can patch/hack the current version to support kismet dumps/pcap capture files very easily:

Edit and change the following code:

print "Waiting..."

while 1:
  # mm, would be better to use callback perhaps. TODO
  p = sniff(filter=None, iface=conf.iface, count=1)
  pkt = p[0]


print "Waiting..."

#capture.pcap is the name of the capture file. Yes, it's hard-coded :)
pcapr = PcapReader('capture.pcap')

while 1:
  # mm, would be better to use callback perhaps. TODO
  #p = sniff(filter=None, iface=conf.iface, count=1)
  pkt =
  #pkt = p[0]

Is a quick hack, but it works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


--> wifizoo 1.3

python -c /root/wifizoo/s.cap

pcapr = PcapReader(s.cap)
NameError: name 's' is not defined
Launching Web Interface..

and with s.pcap it's same...

any help much appreciate :)